At Graham Johnson Dental Surgeon we are committed to providing our clients with a professional standard of dental services and customer care. Your comfort is our concern. We understand some clients experience high levels of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist. That is why we are dedicated to making your visit to our Newcastle dental clinics as pleasant and as comfortable as possible. If you are apprehensive or experiencing any emotional discomfort about your visit or procedures, please discuss this with our caring staff.
When you visit our Newcastle dental clinics, conveniently located in Jesmond and Beresford, you will experience the benefits of our holistic approach to oral health. We are experts in the area of dentistry and orthodontics, and utilise our understanding of the relationship between general health and the cranimaxillofacial complex (teeth, gums, jaw, face, tongue, muscle and bones) to promote excellent oral health and wellbeing. HICAPS patients are welcome at both of our Newcastle dental clinics.